Archivo por meses: julio 2012

Dos publicaciones altamente recomendables

Antes de que lo olvide, me gustaría recomendarte dos publicaciones de calidad y gratuitas.

La primera se titula El conflicto del Sahara en menos de 3000 palabras y cuenta de forma muy sencilla y didáctica las tropelías que han sufrido los saharauis a manos de españoles, franceses, marroquíes y mauritanos. De hecho, hasta las naciones unidas les han fallado. Son 20 páginas y es una novela gráfica, pero aporta más información de la que vas a encontrar en cualquier noticiero.

La segunda recomendación se llama Hay Alternativas. Tanto si eres de derechas como de izquierdas, te interesa puesto que señala alternativas a las medidas tomadas contra la crisis y, por tanto, demuestra que los hachazos al bienestar social son una opción política, no una obligación debida a las circunstancias.

Además, cabe resaltar que el libro iba a ser publicado inicialmente por la editorial aguilar, parte del grupo prisa y por tanto afín al psoe. Pero dicha editorial censuró el libro por sus críticas al psoe. Así pues, se confirma una vez más que tanto prisa como psoe no son entidades librepensadoras y de izquierdas, sino más bien de centro y, a veces, claramente de derechas. Por cierto, la continuación de esto libro se llama Lo que España necesita y también está disponible gratuitamente, además de ser el libro más vendido esta semana dentro de su campo.

Blues en las ondas 209: Buddy Miles

Esta semana te ponemos las pilas con el programa 209, listo para el 11 de junio, y disponible a través de bittorrent, UPVRadio y esta misma web.
Hoy hemos gozado con los siguientes temas:

Y las siguientes secciones:

Bad Education

Firs of all, I’m really thankful to El General Failure for a post where he mentioned me. However, I could say at least as many good things about him, as he wrote about me.
But moving forward, if you ask any Spaniard what are we good at, the most likely answers are: football, food, and party. Now, if you ask that same Spaniard if we need education to be good at those areas, the most likely answer is no. Both answers are completely wrong.
Our exports, what we are good at compared to other countries, are cars and car parts, medicines, and products derived from the petroleum. And without doubt, we need exceptional education to remain competitive in those sectors. Moreover, we also need to improve our education in order to keep being proud of our sport teams, chefs, and tourism.
Why am I talking about education? Well, for once I attended classes at three different countries, amounting to more than a dozen educational centers total.
The education in Spain isn’t bad at all, but it also isn’t as good as it should. I could write a lot about my bad experiences in the field, but it wouldn’t be fair as I also had superb teachers during all this time at public institutions. So rather that targeting the bad side of it, here are 23 ways of improving education in your country, state, and school:

  1. This is essential: Create a system that produces critical people: critical with the world, but also self-critical, otherwise the whole system is failing.
  2. Decrease the number of students per classroom: the ideal number is between 15 and 25, politicians who support a class size larger than that are attacking our future.
  3. Let specialists choose the contents and the distribution of the courses. And never, ever, create a system that indoctrinates people in your sectarian ideas.
  4. The government has to economically support responsible students living independently by the age of 18.
  5. Keep public education 100% free by stopping subsidizing unproductive sectors, spending taxpayers’ money in guns, bailing out irresponsible banks, etc.
  6. Foster a positive stereotype of researchers through mass media.
  7. Use the mass media to change the social norms, ie: ridicule ignorant attitudes.
  8. Make it possible to spend educational time in your hobbies.
  9. Make it mandatory for students to at least plan on how to create a company by the time they are done with high-school.
  10. Bilinguals are no longer enough: Multilingual people are better prepared for working and enjoying life.
  11. Make it mandatory to broadcast foreign media in its original language (this includes cinema, TV, radio, video-games, magazines, etc).
  12. Make it easy and clear to become a researcher. For instance, email students once a month and tell them what your department is doing and how they can join you.
  13. Filter teachers as much as possible: in some Scandinavians countries teachers need to have the best marks, but also do some kind of social work in their spare time, speak several languages, and so on.
  14. Filter students as much as possible: if you don’t program in your spare time by the time you are done with high-school you shouldn’t be accepted in the computer science school. However, let people choose whether they are ready to decide or not.
  15. Teachers should be as accessible as any student: you aren’t god just because you are at the top. Actually, chances are that your students are brighter than you are.
  16. Students should act in a responsible way: they must be accountable when they fail, but you also must find the root of the problem as early as possible, in the sense that a single student failing means the whole system is failing.
  17. Teachers: reward students when they do good, and giving a good mark is not a reward.
  18. Students: reward teachers who do good, and propose improvements to not so good teachers in a constructive way.
  19. Take into account the opinions of students and staff: make them participate in your school. Don’t know how? No problem, ask Le Nouvel Ingénieur.
  20. Teachers teach, researchers research, people who do both are remarkable at neither.
  21. Students, however, must learn, discover, experience, reflect, and undertake.
  22. Make companies collaborate with schools, specially when it comes to funding and commercializing research.
  23. Create jobs for those who study humanities: they must direct our societies, instead of working at fast food chains.

After all this is implemented, all our citizens will be brilliant people. So employers will look more and more at the side activities we do in our spare time: learning another language, carrying out personal projects, and be active will be extremely valuable both at life and work.

Los ciudadanos pagarán

Los ciudadanos pagarán por triplicado los activos tóxicos de los bancos

Vía Periodismo Humano

Insisto: el gobierno debe dejar caer a los accionistas que apoyaron la especulación y respaldar solamente las cuentas bancarias de las personas y únicamente hasta 100.000 euros como se hizo en otros países avanzados.

Cualquier otra propuesta es robar a los pobres para dárselo a los ricos.