La última comunidad autónoma en tener universidad propia va a ser la primera en dejar sin ayudas a los adolescentes bajo su tutela.
La última comunidad autónoma en tener universidad propia va a ser la primera en dejar sin ayudas a los adolescentes bajo su tutela.
It happened again: this week a shooting in Connecticut ended the life of tens of innocent human beings. And this despicable incident was followed by empty promises of both democrats and republicans.
It may be just my feeling, but I think similar incidents occur frequently at a smaller scale in the US, I believe this is hardly news for anyone, and I’d even say Americans got used to watch it on the media every now and then.
But if there’s some true on Barak Obama’s tears, here are some ideas on how to stop this craziness:
Maybe it’s because I wasn’t born here, but I find it shocking that every week I receive an advertisement by Big 5 (a sporting products store) displaying lethal weapons next to items targeting kids. Here’s a sample from the first page of this week add:
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